Register in person at 0800 at Range five on 31 October, 2020

Rifle Match Registration

$40.00 Per Sniper/ Spotter team Due at Sign In.  Make checks payable to DAV Fry Chapter #14 

Registration Now open. Limited number of teams will be allowed.

Course of Fire Under Development- multiple target, timed event.

Required Equipment:  Eye Pro, Ear Pro, Precision Rifle (sniper) and rifle or Carbine (spotter). Optics required for identifying and engaging assigned high value targets. We recommend a 9 power optic at minimum for sniper with a quality bipod. Round count: 20 rds for Precision Rifle, 30 rds for Carbine/ Spotter’s Rifle. All gear must be portable and each team must be capable of carrying their gear during movement phase. A quality bipod and sand sock are all that is recommended.

1 MOA accuracy or better recommended for COF completion.

****there is no zeroing time allotted- please arrive ready****

****Steel Projectile AP Ammo is not Authorized****

Sniper/ Precision Shooter